Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS)
**UPDATE NOTICE **: The COPS team is currently uploading the new projections (2024-2033). Please note that additional sections will be added in the coming weeks.
2024 COPS Release Announcement
The 2024 projections show that:
As a starting point, the assessment of recent conditions found 109 occupations showing strong or moderate signs of shortage conditions and 12 showing strong or moderate signs of surplus conditions over the period 2021-2023.
Looking ahead (2024-2033), over 100 occupations are expected to have a moderate or strong risk of facing shortage conditions over the projection period.
- Most of these occupations were already showing signs of shortages over the 2021-2023 period.
- 10 of the 109 that were showing signs of shortages over the 2021-2023 period are expected to return to more balanced labour markets over the long term.
- 4 new occupations are expected to face risks of shortages, with projected new job openings substantially outpacing projected new job seekers.
Click here to find a summary of the main results.
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) uses COPS and the National Occupational Classification (NOC, 2021 version) to identify occupations that may face labour shortage or labour surplus conditions over the projection period. The latest projections cover the 2024 to 2033 period.
Click on the About the Projections and Glossary sections for important additional information. Please contact us for further enquiries on COPS.
Click on any of the sections below to continue.

Projection Summaries
Use this section to access summaries of projection results by occupation or industry.
Projection Data
Access full datasets, including projections on population, labour force, employment, gross domestic product, job openings and job seekers.
Employment and Social Development Canada makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the COPS projections.