Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS)
Industry Data
The latest projections were developed in 2022 and cover the 2022 to 2031 period. Click here to find a summary of the main results.
Users can access the projection results by industry, including gross domestic product, employment, retirements, mortality and job openings.
- Files Structure Definition
- Gross Domestic Product Projections
- Employment Projections - Note: the data file was updated on July 19, 2023, to correct the employment estimate for 2021 for the Food and Beverage manufacturing industry
- Employment Change (Expansion Demand) Projections
- Retirement Projections1
- Emigration and In-Service Mortality Projections1
- Total Job Openings Projections
Sources: Employment and Social Development Canada - COPS 2022 Projections; and Statistics Canada - adapted database 36-10-0434-01.