Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS)
Occupation Data
The 2024 COPS exercise was developed using the 2021 version of the National Occupational Classification (NOC). The 2021 NOC has 516 occupations. However, some thirty occupations are small in terms of employment, and no assessment has been established.
Users can access projection results for the total number of job openings by occupation, including those attributable to expansion demand (employment growth) or replacement demand (mostly retirements). On the supply side, users can access projection results for the total number of people seeking work in the occupation, including job seekers coming from the school system or immigration (the main sources of new labour market entrants).
The latest projections were developed in 2024 and cover the 2024 to 2033 period. Click here to find a summary of the main results. For additional information about occupations, please visit the National Occupational Classification website.
Recent Labour Market Conditions
Projections of Job Openings
- Employment Projections
- Employment Change (Expansion Demand) Projections
- Retirement Projections
- Retirement Rate Projections
- Emigration and In-Service Mortality Projections
- Total Job Openings Projections
Projections of Job Seekers
- School Leavers Projections
- New Immigrants Projections
- Projections of Other Job Seekers (occupational mobility, net re-entries, working students, etc.)
- Total Job Seekers Projections
Files Structure and Definition
Sources: Employment and Social Development Canada - COPS 2024 Projections; and Statistics Canada - unpublished data, Labour Force Survey.
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